Moody’s Talks: KYC Decoded

AFC enforcement in the USA: 2022 retrospective

Episode Summary

The steadfast enforcement of anti-financial crime regulations in the US often leads to severe financial consequences for offenders. Jill DeWitt, Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead for Financial Crime and Due Diligence in the Americas, profiled some US companies that were fined in 2022. While fines ranged from thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars, a few key themes emerged across the board. In this episode, Jill guides us through some observations, including: business growth vs. compliance growth; staffing and training complications; Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filings and backlogs in CDD; screening issues; and general program failures.

Episode Notes

The steadfast enforcement of anti-financial crime regulations in the US often leads to severe financial consequences for offenders. Jill DeWitt, Moody’s KYC Industry Practice Lead for Financial Crime and Due Diligence in the Americas, profiled some US companies that were fined in 2022. While fines ranged from thousands to hundreds of millions of dollars, a few key themes emerged across the board. In this episode, Jill guides us through some observations, including:

For additional information, check out the resources below that were highlighted in this episode:

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